Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blog #1 by Brandon Wyse- We Are In The Last Days

PROPHECY 11  Lawlessness and wicked ways will increase in the last days.

II Timothy 3:1-5,7 "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.  For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Nuff said. Pick up a newspaper, go online, or watch the news, you’ll see these things. Or you can go to your respective workplace, and see who is willing to blot out your name for them to get a promotion and you not. The days of leaving your doors unlocked are over, even in the country.

Violent crimes have quadrupled in America during the last thirty years. To bring home the intensity of violent crime in America today, US NEWS & WORLD REPORT gives the following "Clock Ticks" statistics: "A murder occurs every 23 minutes; a forcible rape occurs every 6 minutes; a robbery occurs every 58 seconds; an aggravated assault occurs every 48 seconds; a motor vehicle is stolen every 28 seconds; a burglary occurs every 8 seconds."

The unprecedented rise of violent crimes in America is reflected in the population explosion of State and Federal prisons. From about 200,000 in 1970, the inmate population has grown to two million today. This alarming increase of violent crime is causing a paralyzing fear in the American society. "Fear, pure and simple, is behind the new advocacy of the death penalty," writes TIME. ( I will share a ton more examples if requested, but I don’t think this verse needs much amplification.) We all know the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

Despite the technological advances that are supposed to ease our life, we have more depression, anxiety, and suicides than ever.

As for …having a form of Godliness and denying its power. How many people do you know that wear the crosses, abstain from certain foods, and warm the pews, but never have a relationship with Jesus that moves them out of their comfort zone? God is not something you read about, or know about Him. God is alive and desires your fellowship. Earth is temporary, eternity is forever. Meaning, some will be saved, go up to Heaven, and it’ll be like the first time they’ve talked to God, a first meeting. If you don’t know Him, please send a message, I’ll help in any way I can to. You can know Him personally. Jesus really really wants that, believe me. It’s a relationship. Anyone can seriously know Him, like if you died tomorrow, you get up there and give Jesus a high five saying, “What’s up? I just got done talking to you today!” You can know Him like that. He’s the real deal Holyfield. We should know Him like he’s a roommate upstairs that you can go knock on His door, ‘Jesus, you coming with me to breakfast?” He’ll always open that door ready with sandals and robe on, always waiting on us. (I could go on and on. And I will to anyone that needs to know in a message.)

“…always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

How many people you know study everything under the sun from Buddhism to Taoism, but never come to the truth that Jesus is the only way? Millions. Jesus is the worn out shoe to them, played out. The good news has become the old news to the world. They think Christians are these weak Jesus’ freaks bouncing around a bonfire with banjos singing Kumbaya, my Lord. Christians that know their authority in Jesus are the most powerful people I know-- they tear down the strongholds of the devil and having snarling demons running for any exit with their diapers flooded to capacity. Christians that don’t know who they are in Christ, yes, they get B-slapped around by demons that know they don’t stand on their authority. I used to pick on Christians that didn’t know their identity in Christ, but I could never seem to pick on one that was Holy Ghost filled. They were the crème of the crop and wielded their Bible like a two edged sword cutting me and my guys down when we came against them.

Romans 1:29-31 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

This verse sounds like a Hollywood movie. No love and fidelity. U.S. has a 50% divorce rate and over half of those divorces are for infidelity. Compare that to the 1970’s 15%. Check this one out …they invent ways of doing evil… Look at all the ways that evil has paraded itself out in the last fifty years. Almost every second world county and the super powers are “hell bent” on designing weapons of mass destruction, a bigger kill ratio, and unmerciful killing weapons. Pornography has exploded since the VHS and Internet. Sex toys abounded in the last fifty years. Sex clubs. Strip clubs evolved from Go-Go clubs in the 60’s. Swingers clubs. S&M groups. Hook up for sex only sites on the internet. Movies pride themselves on violence and gratuitous sex. Larry Flynt pushed magazines into hardcore since the 1990’s. Now they are building virtual sex experiences. Human sex trafficking and slavery a global epidemic. AIDS.  Gang pimping. Foam parties. Lingerie shops. Massage parlors turning into sex drive thrus. Date rape drugs. Dolls that emulate everything sexual. Well, some can argue that a lot of the clubs were underground in the past. But making them above ground fulfills another, you guessed it, prophecy…

Isaiah 3:9 “…The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it.”

There’s sex balls, raves exploiting the biggest party zones ever, porn awards, television is desensitized from even the 1980’s. Just because Satan has worn down the impact of all these things to being called freedom and acceptable, God looks at them the same as He did in the beginning. Jesus cries out, I didn't change, why are you trying to change me?

God knew the future and a tactic of the enemy would to desensitize these things so they weren’t thought of as so bad, but they are still an abomination to God. Well, some say, God shouldn’t be such a prude. These things aren’t that bad. God says like He does in the clay to the potter, but in another way familiar today – That’s the way He is. And if you don’t like His way, you can make up your own rules of what’s acceptable and not acceptable when you create your own planet. You can call the judge a square if you want, but He's still the judge on what is right and wrong by Him. 

And for the murder aspect, I’m sure sorrowfully we can recall recently the heinous act of mass murder in Colorado of 12 innocent people. God warned us that the more people distanced themselves from God in their own depravity, they would grow worse in their sins. Let me exemplify, God is a God of goodness, but He gave us freewill to follow Him, or ourselves and the world. It was not God that did this shooting, but the absence of God in this young man’s life. There were some Christians in the theatre that blogged about it. And didn’t forget to cry out to God in that horrifying time. It could have been worse if this hadn’t happened…

Jarrell Brooks knew where he was going if he died, so he sprung into action a strong Christian upbringing and man.

Even President Obama called it an “act of evil.”

Look at the shooter’s eyes. They are vacant. Hollow. As if someone, or demon, is driving this dude’s car. No joy. No life. The walking dead. A similar set of eyes---was Hitler’s:

Luke 11:34
Your eye is the lamp of your body.  When your eyes are good, your whole body is also full of light.  But when they are bad, your body is also full of darkness.

God, I pray for comfort in this time for the families of this incident and the families of those hurting all over the world. Let them call upon you in their time of trouble! Amen!

But I warn you, this is very  light compared to the things that are about to happen. (more on that in later blogs)

It is not my intention to go debate, rhetoric, illusory correlations, converse arguments and such on this blog. It is prophecy of what I’ve been told to focus on and why the end is nearing at an alarming rate. There are many good sites that get into the absence of evil, dark, light, logic forums, apologetics, good vs. evil and such… Not my calling at this time… prophecy is… and to proclaim the gospel… and that the time is short.

PROPHECY 12 Israel will be a stumbling block to other nations.

 Zechariah12:2-3 "I will make Jerusalem and Judah like an intoxicating drink to all the nearby nations that send their armies to besiege Jerusalem. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone, a burden for the world. None of the nations who try to lift it will escape unscathed.” 

Just about everyone but America dislikes Israel. All the countries around Israel, detest Israel. Britain puts up with Israel because of the U.S. Russia wants a bite of Israel.  Iran wants a mean piece of Israel. Now Jerusalem is a whole different can of worms. Muslims want it. Syria wants it back. Palestinians want it for their headquarters. God fulfilled and honors what He said and did, and will honor His prophecy with Israel, despite a lot of them not seeing the true Messiah. Israel tried to pigeon hole God by saying, ‘our ruler will be political, coming back and making Israel a nation again. They had preconceived notions of the Messiah riding in on a golden chariot like Solomon, forming victorious armies like David, and stomping mud holes in rival countries like Joshua. And here comes this guy healing the sick, teaching the Kingdom of Heaven, and riding on a donkey. And yet Jesus filled all prophecy of His coming, in the way God intended, not as man wanted God’s intentions. (That’s another subject) Back to this subject…

God gave them the Messiah, then gifted the entire world when Jesus didn’t fit their interpretation of who the Israelites thought the Messiah was going to be. God does things as He wills, not what the people think He would be like. He is the King of Kings, He just didn’t come on an iron horse, He brought the Kingdom a different way. Nonetheless, God upholds his Covenant with Abraham with Israel and to fulfill prophecy.

Jeremiah 8:11 "For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly saying, 'Peace, Peace; WHEN THERE IS NO PEACE!"

Israel has been in four major wars since it’s rebirth in 1948. Border skirmishes innumerable. Six Day War, the Arab coalition was still talking about peace when mounting their forces all around Israel. Israel struck, defeating an army three times their size. They beat back attacking forces in the Yom Kippur war, as well. Israel used to be only 9 miles wide before the West Bank and Gaza strip. Israel was able to win back Jerusalem in 1967. How does such a tiny country withstand massive attacks or win when they attack? It’s prophecy and the power of God. And a sure sign of the end when the Anti-Christ gets Israel to sign a peace treaty.

Recent article: Egypt to Keep Peace Treaty, but Anti-Israeli Pressure Remains

I want to make this clear… 

Matthew 24: 8 “All these are the beginning of birth pains.” 

Basically, you haven’t seen nothing yet. And before we get into the real horrors of the tribulation, know this, God has offered us all a free boarding pass on Air Force Heaven to leave before the real terror hits. And know this, He is no respecter of persons. The same relationship I have with Jesus, you can have. And He’ll drop some kernels of knowledge on you that I may learn from. He wants you to be saved, and even further – know Him and the authority He has given you as a child of God. So many Christians aren’t even aware of this authority or using it in their lives – He is the Living God and wants you to know everything He has for you. Greater than your greatest desires… (My personal testimony is available upon request) But this isn’t about me – IT’S ABOUT YOU AND JESUS!

Jesus cast out demons

PROPHECY 13 The Gospel must be preached around the world.

Matthew: 24:14 And the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

This prophecy is being fulfilled now. It is not complete and will go on through the tribulation. (You guessed it, more on that in later blogs) Satan uses things to pervert technology to get others to sin. God uses it for good. The internet has been reaching millions of Chinese in China. Let’s take a look at some facts. America is in prophecy, and has been used by God to crack open hard eggs to get the gospel through. And not with that intent, either. Look where the gospel has gone in the last twenty years alone:

1)Russia was an atheist country. The iron curtain fell in 1991, allowing the gospel to be preached.

2)Last ten years: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have gotten courageous missionaries over to those countries to proclaim the good news. Christian U.S. troops in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia got to preach the gospel, even bringing a Kuwaiti prince to salvation.

3)Middle Eastern countries have been toppling by revolutions like dominoes. Missionaries rushing to the fields to spread the gospel in those countries and in Africa.

4)There are three countries that still hardcore fight outright preaching of the gospel, China, Iran, and N. Korea. There are wars brewing on the horizon with Iran and N. Korea. God didn’t mean preach to ten people, and then the country is clear. He meant preach like they have from the beginning. The gospel is being preached in Iran in secret churches and I was shocked to learn that they have almost 300,000 Christians.

In China: 13 million by Chinese national consensus.

And even… North Korea! 70,000 in concentration camps and another 200,000 – 400,000 by national consensus. See Prophecy 14 below for details…

The ending of the verse is… “and then the end will come.”

 We are almost there. These number above reflect state statistics. Since they are oppressed, you can believe there are tons more than their country wants to count! But some wars are going to open the door even further. And those wars are inadvertently going to get the gospel in a big way because they won’t be started in the name of Christianity but politics and preemptive strike. In the tribulation, millions if not billions are going to come to Christ. This prophecy will be going on throughout the tribulation, but just see how close it is compared to just 20 years ago, when Russian wasn’t be evangelized, and the internet and digital TV wasn’t around to get in most of those countries. Be alert! Be on guard!

The world point blank can’t continue to grow like it has. I believe we have provided you with the rationalization that sin has run the world into the ground, unbalanced by the acts of love. Last little blurb from Wikipedia, and we’ll close this blog…

David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agriculture at Cornell University, estimates that the sustainable agricultural carrying capacity for the United States is about 200 million people; its population as of 2011 is over 310 million. In 2009, the UK government's chief scientific advisor, Professor John Beddington, warned that growing populations, falling energy reserves and food shortages would create a "perfect storm" by 2030. Beddington claimed that food reserves were at a fifty-year low, and that the world would require 50% more energy, food and water by 2030.  According to a 2009 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO), the world will have to produce 70% more food by 2050 to feed a projected extra 2.3 billion people.

The observed figures for 2007 showed an actual increase in absolute numbers of 

undernourished people in the world, with 923 million undernourished in 2007, versus 832 

million in 1995. The 2009 FAO estimates showed an even more dramatic increase, to 1.02 


PROPHECY 14 This one is not complete – the persecution of Christians.

Matthew 24:9Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will hated by all nations because of me.

The Anti-Christ will bring the fulfillment of this verse… you will be hated by all nations because of me. Christians are hated by a lot of nations right now, and it's growing in America, but it's going to get much worse. While we have it comfy in the United States, things are about to change. But if you want to know how bad it is for Christians in these countries, please check out this site… And I don’t know these people, I was just led to it…

Also check out the “country list” tab. It shows where Christians are persecuted the most. If you “download the list” on the right side of the page, it gives explicit details to the persecution in each country…

But this prophecy will ride up through the tribulation until God comes back kicking some satanic butt…

As any reasonable person can see, with or without the oncoming end, the world can't sustain life much longer the current rate it’s going…

I was led to this after the second blog was published. This and the other two blogs are 14 reasons to get on board this flight and be saved from the anvil that's about to drop. Operative word “saved.” That’s why it’s called that, “saved” from God’s wrath by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior – your ticket onto Air Force Heaven. God left mankind to freewill to choose Him or not, and we see where the heart of man has gone by their own accord, toward evil. God will intervene and prophesized it, but He had to let the world play out for freewill to occur. Even if even just five prophecies were correct, that would be enough, but 14 is surely enough for you to tell everyone that the hour is rapidly approaching midnight. The mathematical probability of all these prophecies happening at the same time is infinitely impossible for coincidence. If you don’t get it by me saying it, check with a mathematician, or ask the source, Jesus. He’s the Living Word.

NEXT, WE TALK ABOUT THE RAPTURE -- AIR FORCE HEAVEN’S DEPARTURE… And why some Christians living in the flesh may not be on board… but called to be witnesses in this oncoming end of the world. Don’t kill the messenger on this one, read it for yourself in God’s word. WE WILL BEGIN TO TALK THE TRIBULATION. IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU’RE THE TOUGHEST NAVY SEAL, YOU DON’T WANT TO BE LEFT IN THE WORST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY!!! And you don’t have to. It’s your choice. See why next time! GET YOUR TICKETS I’M BEGGING YOU!!!



  1. This is an awesome presentation! Thank you for sharing what the Lord has shown you. Keep up the good work!
