Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blog #4 The Mark of the Beast by Brandon Wyse

Mark of the Beast

In the name of Jesus Christ, at the right hand of God the Father. Witnesseth the Counselor of Peace, the Holy Spirit. Roll the creepy organ music… something that needs little introduction – The Mark of the Beast. This is a very highly debated and controversial subject in the hallowed walls of prophecy. This blog is not meant to weigh you down with code after code and surmise after assumption. Not that doing the calculations from Greek and Hebrew alphabets is wrong, but there have been many names from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton that have rolled up 666 and they haven’t been the Anti-Christ.

Lets head to scripture…

Revelations 13:18 “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man’s number. His number is 666.

This is Six Hundred and Sixty Six, not 6,6,6. Through the years, it has been rumored that UPC codes are the mark --to tattoos of a glaring 666 on your forehead…

…www for world wide web is the letter vav vav vav in Hebrew, which is the letter w and numerical six. So some ran and shouted the world wide web is the anti-Christ! Nope, it’s six hundred and sixty six, not three sixes. Computer adds up in one calculation to 666, but the point is being missed here… the Anti-Christ is going to use this technology as you’re about to see, but the technology by itself is not the Mark.  It’s what the technology represents that is the mark.

Interesting that the 666th Chapter in the Bible is Ecclesiastes has these two verses in it…

Ecclesiastes 7:25, 27 I applied my heart to know, To search and seek out wisdom and the reason of things, To know the wickedness of folly, Even of foolishness and madness. 27 Here is what I have found,” says the Preacher, Adding one thing to the other to find out the reason…

Satan is all about imagination and subtle imagery to make things look like cup cakes and cream, when the beast is brewing inside.

I included a few links to sites where you can make the decision on how subtle Satan gets his point across. Claim Christian hype, or is there something really there? Excuse some of the overly dramatic stuff, but they wanted to get the point across…

I’ll admit that some seem to be stretching it a little bit in these videos and links, but you’ll see a lot don’t and there’s more for you to tool around with following other links. But there is a huge dumb down going on, where 666 appears subtly in a warm and fuzzy way.

American Idol the television show is a perfect example. No one thinks that this very title is a slap to God who says in Exodus 20:4"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

And the boos begin. But I love American Idol – God doesn't.  Are you sinning for watching? No. Unless you idolize a star so much that your whole life revolves around them, or your bedroom looks like a stalker's shrine for that person.  I'm just showing you the subtle way satan gets others to think these things are harmless while getting a subtle jab in against  God's word. Okay, we’ll give the verse in Exodus to the Oscars with their golden statues that everyone bows down to in the film industry. Hey, it’s what everyone strives for in that industry. I work in the film industry, but I am sent for this now.  That’s a graven image you retort, not people.  Okay, let’s go to the NT on the matter: I Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.

Idolatry takes on a new form in the NT. As from idols to idolatry, which is holding anything as an idol in your life, looking up to emulate a person or thing before you do God.
The reason for this is twofold. 1) Satan doesn’t want his plan to unfold where everyone and their mama knows about it – it’s had too much attention from Christians. So no big 666 on foreheads. He wants to introduce things subtly and make others think they need it. Point today – The X and Y Generations have grown up on video games, phones, computers, everything electronic. They have become dependent on downloading and streaming movies, books, games, etc. Ask them to go outside and play for an hour, and they'll get this dazed and confused look on their faces. Outside? Play? Huh? So introduce more technology and say you have to have it or lose all these gadgets, they’ll more likely take the mark.


It is impossible to miss because it fits 6 requirements: Yeah, I had to bold the 6 there.

Revelations 13:16-17: He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
  1. The False Prophet will make everyone get it. Mandatory…
  2. Small and Great. Madonna to a Pauper on the street will be ordered to get it.
  3. Rich and poor. Nuff said.
  4. Free and slave. This isn’t meaning just slaves and masters, but prisoners in jail and prison.
  5. Right hand or forehead. Only two places, trims it down on the location.
  6. You can’t buy or sell without it. (the big one)
The mark will have a number of things in it and combine a few things. It is ordered by the “second beast” the false prophet. Rev 16:13 gives him that title:

Revelations: 13:15 “He was given power to give breathe to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.” (We’ll get to both these unsavory characters in other blogs).

Daniel 7:23: “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.”

We are showing you these two verses for identification purposes. This mark is going to represent everything you are to the anti-christ and his kingdom, like social security in America is for economic purposes and a driver’s license states your state.

The mark will identify you with this fourth kingdom that the antichrist builds up and his religion. It will be your ID and so much more.

STRICT WARNING!!! If you take the mark or worship the beast and its image, you cannot be saved or you will give away your salvation! You give it away by a choice of saying you want the mark over Jesus and the antichrist is now your god. Read on...

Revelations 14:9-12  A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.

You are denying Jesus when you take the mark or worship the beast, his religion, and image! More on his religion later, but it is not going to be an exact religion going on today, but a hybrid of all types of religions except the Living Water(the uncompromised Bible)… A little taste right here…

I Kings 10:14, and 2 Chronicles 9:13. Solomon collected 666 talents of gold each year from everywhere in and out of his kingdom; a type and shadow of the money flowing in from all over to back the mark, given to the antichrist’s kingdom. Interesting to note that Solomon worshipped God and also other false gods,(I Kings Chapter 11), which made him have a hybrid religion like the false prophet will have combining some parts of some religions but not anything on Jesus saving you of the Bible that he can’t pervert or deceive others with.


When you take the mark, you are doing something directly against God. 1) He asked you to watch. You should be aware of what it stands for. 2) Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

You are choosing money over God when you take the mark. A person that takes the mark is not watching as the Bible says to do. They are more concerned about the world.

1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

So you got people living in fear when the antichrist comes. They love their lives. They love their riches. They love their prestige. Satan has set this one up really good. This is why it is hard for the rich to enter into the kingdom of Heaven. 

Matthew 19:23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

The antichrist will declare that you can’t buy or sell, thus you won’t be eating, and those not saved and living for Jesus will easily run to get the mark so they don’t lose their fortunes or starve to death. They will be trying hard to hold onto this world. If you ask us, that’s like trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. The world is about to end but those with no eternal inheritance, only worldly wealth, will try to hold onto it. Sorry people, there’s no armored truck behind your hearse when you die. Christians living in Jesus and carrying their cross know what’s on the other side and their richly inheritance, so they don’t care about dying for Jesus…

John 12:25 The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

Wait, Mr. Bible man, I thought blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unpardonable sin?  The Holy Spirit has expressed that you best believe the mark and the satanic trinity will have something blasphemous against the Holy Spirit in their mark and image. You in effect, will be denying Him and God by taking the mark!


Notice Left Hand in Picture

The antichrist is not only going to try and force you to worship him and his religion, his government, but will use any means necessary to get you to worship him. The satanic trinity: satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet know you’ll burn for eternity, so they want as many to submit to them as possible.  They want to Kill steal and destroy you and everyone you care about.

They’ll use money. It will all be electronic in this mark. So without money, Christians will starve. Without money, he’ll be testing the resolve of many to lose their amenities and everything in life if they stick with Jesus, hoping to break the weak Christians into taking the mark. Is your Mercedes for another few years worth hell for eternity? You’re going to lose it anyway. Come on!

The mark is going to look like an answer to everything. Cashless society will eliminate a lot of crime, drug dealing, robbery, extortion. terrorism, illegal aliens, etc... Everything will be monitored and recorded in these marks. It will look like murder, identity theft, fraud, and all types of crimes will be cut in half or three fourths. Remember, once the tribulation kicks off, everyone will be killing everyone, so it’s all a lie in a bowtie when the mark comes to make it look peaceful, needed, and friendly. Finally, it won’t be up to you, they’ll make it mandatory or death. Refusal will be treason to the antichrist’s government.


Another way to compel those who love this life, and even weak Christians, would be food. The monopoly has already begun. Before you run and yell Monsanto is working for the anti-christ, realize that the anti-christ is going to take control of these monopolies, which hasn't happened yet. But it appears that the pieces are being moved around the chess board quickly, making it easy for the satanic trinity to seize control when they step into power. Read these articles and you’ll see it has begun…


I’m going to show you what you the prototype of the mark is going to be. There are a lot of Baghdad Bobs running around. Who’s Baghdad Bob? The minister of propaganda in the Iraqi/American war in 2003 for Iraq. He was more like the minister of misinformation. He would lie his tale off trying to keep Iraqi morale up to fight. In a memorable broadcast, he was yelling: We are beating the Americans back. They are nowhere near Baghdad. Their annihilation is at hand. They are retreating to the Saudi border!

As Baghdad Bob is yelling this, an American tank drives behind him. So a lot of Christians are constantly screaming this is the mark! That is the mark. It’s good to make awareness that a prototype is here, but until it fits all 6 of those parameters, it is not the mark of the beast. Here’s what the prototype is… RFID chip. Yes, it will be developed and turn into the technology that the antichrist uses. It is still being tested and has been. The technology is here. It’s just going through development phases and will probably be called something later than the RFID chip.

Is your grandma and grandpa going to hell because they took a medical RFID chip? No! Stop Baghdad Bobs with the hysteria. The antichrist will make you take it and it must fit those 6 requirements. It will bear his name, or be a numerical calculation up to six hundred and sixty six. Interesting that the few times in the Bible that it asks you to calculate something is in Revelations and in Luke 14:28 when you calculate the cost of following Jesus, compared to calculating the costs of building a tower. The tower cost and the calculation of the beast, both have something to do with money. Satan perverts everything in the Bible to an opposite. 

But you will know who’s mark it is, because people will be forced to worship the image (Rev 13:15) and the verse (16) says also… to take the mark. So two things are happening, worship of the image, and taking the mark, won’t be one without the other. So there’s another clue on what is the mark of the beast – it will be along side of an image that the false prophet is commanding everyone to worship of the beast.


You don’t have to now. It’s for animals and medical identification for people. In its present form it’s not the mark. It’s the beta technology that will become the mark. But agreeing to take the technology now, will break your willpower to say no when they transform it into the mark of the beast. They’ll be saying then that you have to have it to represent and identify your allegiance to the beast and his government. It then will be mandatory.

So relax, you still can get grandma and grandpa saved. They didn’t take the RFID chip while praising allegiance to the beast.

And furthermore, the RFID chip is going to drastically get more high-tech in the next two years, making it greatly appealable for the mark. Remember the above verses, the mark is his number or name. The antichrist is not named RFID. The mark will bear his name and number. And, once again, fit all 6. You will be swearing loyalty to him and his mark when you take it. So to be on the safe side – don’t take anything that goes in your right hand or forehead that is electronic or any tattoo. Why? With the use of wi-fi and sending wireless data, when the antichrist comes to power, your chip could be easily converted into bearing his name and number. There are biometric scanners on the market and used in the world today that will only scan your right hand. Be alert! Be watching!

Here’s some videos for the RFID chip…

But we tell you again, especially on the last video, the people getting the chip are giving permission to get it. So… not the mark of the beast. Relax the hysteria. I am being sent to clear the air.

We are in the end times. So I say this in love to preachers and Baghdad Bobs yelling this is the mark of the beast! You don't need to hype up the last days, it's happening across the board. Saying this is the mark is in error of scripture.  But to say this is building up to what can be used as the mark, is correct.

Before you swear at me saying this is the mark… Watch this video. This man got it in both his right hand… and left hand. And he could have got it in one or the other. So, in its present state – not the mark of the beast because the mark will be right hand only or forehead. Notice the hysteria above the video shouting its the mark of the beast. Give these faithful Christians a Bible please and read Revelations 13:16-17. Great they're watching, but the truth is what we speak...

These things are here ladies and gentlemen, woman and child. If you have friends that aren’t saved, or aren’t saved yourself – you’re not guaranteed another day. Get these prophecies to loved ones. The things in the first three blogs are happening now. Prophecies foretold thousands of years ago. The things in this blog and from now on are about to happen. And when they do, it’ll be too late to leave the wrath that is coming on earth. So why take the chance you’ll die in a day, month, year? Why take the chance that you’ll miss the rapture and go through the most hellish time in human history with people feasting upon people, demon locusts, murder on a never seen before scale? Get saved today. Know where you’re going. You’ll meet Jesus and once you do, you’ll know Him and have a real relationship with the Living God! You’ll have peace and a new purpose in life. Why wait on that playing Russian roulette with living or dying in the end times. Don’t gamble your eternity. Eternity is too long to live with a mistake you can never fix… See Blog 5 on the prayer of Salvation. Jesus will welcome you with open arms. He loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him. No more pain. Tears of hurt.

You can know where you’ll spend eternity today. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He is the only way to God! Don’t know your authority in Jesus? Contact us… we’ll be glad to show you in the Word of God! We’re here to help… while we’re still here! Well, the Holy Spirit will still be here if I’m not.



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